Transform a Childs Life
Operating a ministry in a poor country is very challenging. But once you understand the depths of the poverty, it also becomes heartbreaking. Honduras is the third poorest country in the entire Western Hemisphere: only Nicaragua and Haiti are worse. Poverty like this has to be seen to be appreciated.
There is a real opportunity for God’s people to make a difference in the lives of poor Honduran children. The Solid Rock Christian school offers one of the best educational opportunities for poor children on the entire island of Roatan, and at a fraction of the cost charged by other private schools. Yet many poor families do not have the resources to cover the tuition.
The need that we wish to communicate here relates to the inability of numerous students to pay their monthly tuition. In the following pages, you will see ten students that need help. If God leads you to help one of them in any way, please see the details that follow. Thank you!
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