Our Academic Process

Our Process

     The educational philosophy at Solid Rock is really not a “philosophy” at all, but rather an application of the principles and ideals revealed in God’s Word.  We strive to inculcate spiritual and academic excellence in the lives of all students, and all teachers must adhere to and apply these standards.  At the top of our priority list is a knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our Curriculum

     Academic curricula consist of two essential sources: ABeka material from Pensacola Christian College, as well as internally generated materials that incorporate essentials of Honduran culture and understanding. Therefore, teachers must be both grounded in God’s Word, as well as being creative and innovative.  The Bible is used as the basis in ALL classes. For example, math is illustrative of God’s wisdom and power.

Our essential Christian focus

    The development of Christian character is an essential part of academic life at Solid Rock.  All school days begin with Bible class.  Chapel is held on Monday mornings, at which time Pastor Mark instructs and challenges all students in the Word of God. We praise God for the large percentage of students that come to Christ every school year.

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